Zippy Toadlips
I thought this was cousin sent it to me.
Try out a new name for a while....
Sometimes when you have a stressful day or week, you need some silliness to
break up the day. And, if we are honest, we have a lot more stressfuldays
than not. Here is your dose of humor... Follow the instructions to find your new name.
And don't go all 'adult'....
The following in an excerpt from a children's book, "Captain Underpants And
the Perilous Plot of Professor Poopypants" by Dave Pilkey. The evil
Professor forces everyone to assume new names......
Use the third letter of your first name to determine your new first name:
a = poopsie b = lumpy c =buttercup
d = gadget e = crusty f = greasy
g = fluffy h = cheeseball i = chim-chim
j = stinky k = flunky l = bootie
m = pinky n = zippy o =goober
p = doofus q = slimy r =loopy
s = snotty t = tootie u = dorkey
v = squeezit w = oprah x =skipper
y = dinky z = zsa-zsa
Use the second letter of your last name to determine the first half of your
new last name:
a = apple b = toilet c = giggle d = burger
e = girdle f = barf g = lizard h = waffle
i = cootie j = monkey k = potty l = liver
m = banana n = rhino o = bubble p = hamster
q = toad r = gizzard s = pizza t = gerbil
u = chicken v = pickle w = chuckle x = tofu
y = gorilla z = stinker
Use the fourth letter of your last name to determine the second half of your
new last name:
a = head b = mouth c = face
d = nose e = tush f = breath
g = pants h = shorts i = lips
j = honker k = butt l = brain
m = tushie n = biscuits o = hiney
p = chunks q = toes r = buns
s = fanny t = sniffer u = sprinkles
v = kisser w = squirt x = humperdinck
y = brains z = juice
Thus, for example, Prime Minister Stephen Harper's new name is Crusty
Applechunks and Premier Dalton McGuinty is Bootie Gigglesprinkles. Saddam Hussein becomes Gadget Chickenfanny - does that make him less scary?! Can you believe that Angelina Jolie's new name is Fluffy Bubblelips?! How appropriate!
This looks very familiar
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