Thursday, December 07, 2006


I figure I'm about due to post again, I guess a month's wait is really a little too long.

I was inspired to get on here today with the same-sex debate coming up again in Parliament. I can't believe, election promise or not, that we're really getting into this again. How else can the government waste its time already?? Last I heard, the majority of Canadians don't even care anymore! And at the end of the day what do our rights mean if, once these discussions are had, debated, recommendations are made and decisions taken, someone can come along and say "you know what, I still don't like the answer, so let's have another go"???

It also reminds me of a conversation that happened last year with a coworker of mine who can be rather outspoken on this issue. Basically, the conversion devolved into him claiming that anyone who studied history knows that same-sex relationships caused the fall of the greek & roman civilizations....

It was at this point that I picked my jaw up off the floor and just walked away....

I stand firm in my belief that everyone should be happy in the partnership that they choose. It doesn't impact me one iota if John & Jim or Jane & Judy decide to pledge themselves to one another for life, and why should the government re-hash it all over again because of an election promise?

It's not like they haven't broken a few already... ;-)


At 12:27 p.m., Blogger Palmer said...

What's more important is your blatant disregard for any names that start with a letter other than 'J'.

At 1:28 p.m., Blogger skeeter said...


At 4:23 p.m., Blogger James said...


At 6:51 p.m., Blogger CC :D said...

she's a Jacist. don't let her tell you otherwise.

civic engagement--it's not OUR fault harper was elected. it's the apathetics who decided they just didn't know enough about any issue to vote (who's fault is that!?) and the easily-persuaded who didn't hear "there's a third choice" and only voted for the guy whose hair doesn't move.


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