Wednesday, May 10, 2006

What kind of driver are you?

Last night, I saw perhaps the craziest thing I have ever seen in my life. And I'm not talking crazy-funny, or crazy-silly....I'm talking crazy-SCARY!

Matt was driving me home, and shortly after getting on the 416 from the 417, he motioned to the other side of the highway, in a 'check this out' type fashion.

Now get prepared, cuz this is insane...

There was a car driving down the WRONG SIDE OF THE HIGHWAY...and as if this wasn't scary enough, as we came up alongside, it was more or less doing the SPEED LIMIT, with no real indication that there was anything amiss....

Oh, and it gets we approached Hunt Club, there's a bit of a curve in the road...and ahead we can see headlights coming towards us, and sure enough there's cars coming around the curve in both lanes.

Fortunately, the idiot managed to get onto the shoulder before causing an insane head-on collision, but do you think he stopped?? Nope! At least not right away....he continued driving along the shoulder for a bit, eventually turned his fourways on, and from what we could tell (at this point we'd exited, and couldn't see everything from the Hunt Club off-ramp) either turned around, stopped completely somewhere under the bridge, or managed to exit (the wrong way) off the northbound lanes.

I can only hope the driver headed towards Ottawa didn't have a heart attack seeing this jackass coming right at him, but seriously, how in the hell do you manage to, not only get on the highway going in the wrong direction, but also seemingly fail to notice anyone or anything else around you that might indicate what you've done?!??!

Glad nothing definitely had more than the potential to be an extremely bad time for your cell phone to be dead...

Be safe out there....people are CRAZY!


At 9:44 a.m., Blogger Palmer said...

That is probably the craziest thing I have ever heard of! Other than the fact that someone would actually think about dating Mr. Masse.

At 4:26 p.m., Blogger skeeter said...

somehow, I don't think this guy would have noticed....


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