Thanks Chantal!
Tuesday started off relatively normal. However, that's only because relatively normal at work lately is freakin' craziness....*sigh* is it sad that I kinda like it that way?? Went to look at an apartment in the evening, which although it was super-nice, completely renovated, etc. I don't think I can justify the cost given the size...oh well... got a phone call from Chantal (yay that, although it was dying, my cell was on)....
Chantal has extra tickets to the Our Lady Peace concert at Scotiabank Place, do we want to go? I'm not sure I even got that whole sentence out of my mouth before Matt's grinning, nodding & giving me the thumbs up *L* Alright, cool, we're in...I'm way over-dressed, we're late for the apartment viewing, my phone's dying, but we'll be there....
So, meet up with Chantal et al. Not only does she have tickets, she has free box tickets! We also had to note that Matt's car obviously looked like it belonged in VIP parking ;-)

Concert was great, however I think the most entertaining part just may have been 'older guy in white shirt' sitting just in front of the box. Not only did he stand looking semi-pissed with his arms crossed through virtually the whole thing (variations included: hands on hips, and "thinker" pose).... he would periodically break into sequences of air drumming and body twisting that I can only imagine was supposed to be dancing of some kind....what kind? Your guess is probably as good as mine ;-) Ask me, I'll show can decide.
As a side note, and my public service announcement of the day, just say no to $109 shrimp platters, okay kids?
Thanks again Chantal!!
I almost forgot! At the end of the night, Matt got a hug from some big black guy who's name we never did get.
Chantal's friends are so friendly ;-)
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