Sunday, May 28, 2006

Weekend home

One more super crazy work week down, and time for a break back home with Mom & Dad...
It's been a while, but I finally made it back home for the weekend. It's been good, made my first trip up to my aunt & uncle's "cottage". Yes, seriously...I could live there...please, let me live there... ;-)
As expected, it's gorgeous, and not even finished yet. Fortunately, despite my aunt's warnings, I didn't get put to work at all. But I did take many pictures.

My cousin was pitching yesterday too, so there was a bit of a rush on to get back and listen. It was a great game for him. Of course, some run support would've been nice, but at least he didn't get tagged with the loss. It's gotta be tough as a pitcher to give up only one run in 9 innings, pitch to almost the minimum number of batters, and still be on the losing team because there's zero offense... *sigh* Regardless, good game Chris! Keep it up!

This morning it was off to baseball again. This time with Dad, whose team I've grown up watching, and kinda miss being around week after week. They're a good group of guys, happy to just be out there playing, which makes it all the more fun when they take on one of the most ridiculously serious rec teams I've ever seen. Try-outs for an old-timers slo-pitch league? I think not. It was fun seeing them playing so horribly for a few innings. I'm surprised no one got benched or something equally as stupid.

All in all, a good weekend, back to Ottawa tonight. Ciao!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Thanks Chantal!

Tuesday started off relatively normal. However, that's only because relatively normal at work lately is freakin' craziness....*sigh* is it sad that I kinda like it that way?? Went to look at an apartment in the evening, which although it was super-nice, completely renovated, etc. I don't think I can justify the cost given the size...oh well... got a phone call from Chantal (yay that, although it was dying, my cell was on)....

Chantal has extra tickets to the Our Lady Peace concert at Scotiabank Place, do we want to go? I'm not sure I even got that whole sentence out of my mouth before Matt's grinning, nodding & giving me the thumbs up *L* Alright, cool, we're in...I'm way over-dressed, we're late for the apartment viewing, my phone's dying, but we'll be there....

So, meet up with Chantal et al. Not only does she have tickets, she has free box tickets! We also had to note that Matt's car obviously looked like it belonged in VIP parking ;-)

Concert was great, however I think the most entertaining part just may have been 'older guy in white shirt' sitting just in front of the box. Not only did he stand looking semi-pissed with his arms crossed through virtually the whole thing (variations included: hands on hips, and "thinker" pose).... he would periodically break into sequences of air drumming and body twisting that I can only imagine was supposed to be dancing of some kind....what kind? Your guess is probably as good as mine ;-) Ask me, I'll show can decide.

As a side note, and my public service announcement of the day, just say no to $109 shrimp platters, okay kids?

Thanks again Chantal!!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

What kind of driver are you?

Last night, I saw perhaps the craziest thing I have ever seen in my life. And I'm not talking crazy-funny, or crazy-silly....I'm talking crazy-SCARY!

Matt was driving me home, and shortly after getting on the 416 from the 417, he motioned to the other side of the highway, in a 'check this out' type fashion.

Now get prepared, cuz this is insane...

There was a car driving down the WRONG SIDE OF THE HIGHWAY...and as if this wasn't scary enough, as we came up alongside, it was more or less doing the SPEED LIMIT, with no real indication that there was anything amiss....

Oh, and it gets we approached Hunt Club, there's a bit of a curve in the road...and ahead we can see headlights coming towards us, and sure enough there's cars coming around the curve in both lanes.

Fortunately, the idiot managed to get onto the shoulder before causing an insane head-on collision, but do you think he stopped?? Nope! At least not right away....he continued driving along the shoulder for a bit, eventually turned his fourways on, and from what we could tell (at this point we'd exited, and couldn't see everything from the Hunt Club off-ramp) either turned around, stopped completely somewhere under the bridge, or managed to exit (the wrong way) off the northbound lanes.

I can only hope the driver headed towards Ottawa didn't have a heart attack seeing this jackass coming right at him, but seriously, how in the hell do you manage to, not only get on the highway going in the wrong direction, but also seemingly fail to notice anyone or anything else around you that might indicate what you've done?!??!

Glad nothing definitely had more than the potential to be an extremely bad time for your cell phone to be dead...

Be safe out there....people are CRAZY!

Monday, May 08, 2006

Girls rule and boys, well...cheat...

Note to trivia players, when attempting to cheat with the use of a laptop, please remember the following:

1) don't have the same person answer all the questions
2) refrain from stating "thank you internet" after your team answers correctly (no matter how under your breath you think it is)
3) find someone who can type without looking at the keyboard
4) strategically insert wrong answers, especially when you've been accused of cheating for the past 3-4 questions
5) avoid suddenly stating the answer, when up to that point it seems that no one knows it, and there's no discussion before the correct one is blurted out

and finally:

When trying to defend yourselves, keep in mind that holding both hands in the air does not prove you're not hiding a laptop on your LAP behind the table!!

Moral of the story:
The girls won 15-8 so quit whining about your one point cheating penalty...

As a side note however....the guys' strategic placement around the table and standing to get in our sightlines on the way to the bathroom, etc. was well done....

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Zippy Toadlips

I thought this was cousin sent it to me.
Try out a new name for a while....


Sometimes when you have a stressful day or week, you need some silliness to
break up the day. And, if we are honest, we have a lot more stressfuldays
than not. Here is your dose of humor... Follow the instructions to find your new name.
And don't go all 'adult'....

The following in an excerpt from a children's book, "Captain Underpants And
the Perilous Plot of Professor Poopypants" by Dave Pilkey. The evil
Professor forces everyone to assume new names......

Use the third letter of your first name to determine your new first name:
a = poopsie b = lumpy c =buttercup
d = gadget e = crusty f = greasy
g = fluffy h = cheeseball i = chim-chim
j = stinky k = flunky l = bootie
m = pinky n = zippy o =goober
p = doofus q = slimy r =loopy
s = snotty t = tootie u = dorkey
v = squeezit w = oprah x =skipper
y = dinky z = zsa-zsa

Use the second letter of your last name to determine the first half of your
new last name:
a = apple b = toilet c = giggle d = burger
e = girdle f = barf g = lizard h = waffle
i = cootie j = monkey k = potty l = liver
m = banana n = rhino o = bubble p = hamster
q = toad r = gizzard s = pizza t = gerbil
u = chicken v = pickle w = chuckle x = tofu
y = gorilla z = stinker

Use the fourth letter of your last name to determine the second half of your
new last name:
a = head b = mouth c = face
d = nose e = tush f = breath
g = pants h = shorts i = lips
j = honker k = butt l = brain
m = tushie n = biscuits o = hiney
p = chunks q = toes r = buns
s = fanny t = sniffer u = sprinkles
v = kisser w = squirt x = humperdinck
y = brains z = juice

Thus, for example, Prime Minister Stephen Harper's new name is Crusty
Applechunks and Premier Dalton McGuinty is Bootie Gigglesprinkles. Saddam Hussein becomes Gadget Chickenfanny - does that make him less scary?! Can you believe that Angelina Jolie's new name is Fluffy Bubblelips?! How appropriate!

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Day 2


This is how I sum up my blog experience thus far.

First, let me say :-P to Matt....just because...
Second, yay to Crys for her's way easier isn't it?

Hmmm....yeah, I'm a little tired now, and have nothing else to say really. Until later....

Monday, May 01, 2006

Opening thoughts

Well, this is new...
I hadn't actually planned to start a blog, but then somehow, feeling the need to respond to Matt's lurker accusations, I ended up with one...craziness...

Anyway, I figure I'll start by explaining the origins of "simirable"....I know you're dying to know ;-)
Well, my coworkers are quite the crew, and frequently thoughts are well ahead of words in our discussions.....and well, for sake of efficiency...some have simply started combining words.
I mean, why say similar and comparable, when simirable will do? You should try fact, that's your assignment for the night...

What? you thought you were just going to casually read this, and not give back? tsk tsk...just think of the time I've put into writing this for you!! that way... ;-)